I have no clue why it is this way, now. Well... I might have. Less work stress, the holidays ahead, more yoga, better food...
There is a connection.
You know the old esoteric saying that "everything is connected with everything else"?
That is bullshit, of course. Lots of things don't have any causal connection whatsoever. Causality only works one way in time, for one thing...
Anyway, many things in our lives really ARE connected, interconnected to a degree that warrants the generalisation: "It is all connected", albeit not in a literal, strict sense... just as a general gist.
There is, obviously, a connection between your food and your wellbeing. There is a connection between being overworked and emotional turmoil.
I like to picture it as a coil, a spiral.
A spiral has two directions - upwards and downwards.
Emotional stress leads to less sex. Less sex leads to more frustration, which leads to bad food choices, which leads to bad overall wellbeing, which might lead to making mistakes, which leads to more stress... etc.
But it also works the other way around: More sex alleviates frustration, so there is less stress, better work, which leads to better food, etc.
It doesn't really matter much where the chain of causality starts. On the one hand, when life starts throwing shit at you, as it inevitably does, you are going to go down a few notches.
On the other hand, you can start to change at any point. Start cleaning up your relationship mess. Start having good sex. Start making healthier food choices. Reduce the workload. Whatever is easiest to do.
In the current particular case, I'm not sure what exactly triggered it - but that's fine. This one time, it seems to work in my favour! I'm not going to complain for sure.
Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Joyful_Chastity/comments/huosv1/getting_back_into_chastity/
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