Friday, December 2, 2022

What works for me...

After not-ejaculating for two months (many years ago), after 213 days of nofap, I have some good news and some bad news for you. However, whether the news is good or bad, depends on your current position in life, your goals, and your personal ideology.

I can't claim to know that any of this is universally true, it all comes from my own experience, my reading-list and my biases. I won't bother to preface every single sentence with a disclaimer. When I say "you", it is just a figure of speech, a generalisation of my own experiences. **Your experience may differ.** If some part of this seems to work for you, great! Embrace it, leave a comment, move on. If you disagree with something, fine! Leave a comment if you like. Find your own path!

On to the list...

  1. You can experience bliss, right now, as soon as you let go of some misconceptions and do a few simple exercises.
  2. You do not have to change your beliefs to experience bliss.
  3. The simpler, the better!
  4. SMILE! As much as you can. Even if you don't feel like it. *Especially* when you don't feel like it. It will improve your mood.
  5. The most fundamental, most important practice, is breathing. There are many different breathing techniques.
  6. Do one minute of very deep breathing, slightly forceful, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
  9. LOL.
  10. You will experience resistance. (Trust me. You will. It's the one thing I believe is absolutely true for everybody.) Your mind will tell you that this is all just imagination, it cannot possibly help you in the long run, you're not worth it, and so on. This is probably one of the most widespread experiences.
  11. Regular exercises and long walks improve the mood much more than I ever imagined.
  12. Engage the muscles! Specifically, the belly and inner thighs.
  13. Make [PC muscle exercises](
  14. Meditation is a great tool. The more regular, the better.
  15. Yoga will teach you to be mindful of your movements - i.e., co-ordinate breathing with muscle-tension and thinking.
  16. In order to visualize "energy", you do not have to believe in it.
  17. Cold water seems to help regulate dopamine, relieve anxieties and improve mood. (I cannot do cold showers, sadly, because they give me cramps. I do cold half-showers, and they are helpful, too.)
  18. Nofap / SR are great supporting practices, as they will give you more discipline, more confidence, and great insights into yourself.
  19. The less social media, the better.
  20. Have a backup plan for when you "fail". Knowing how to get back on track is more important than never getting off track.
  21. View it all as one big, fun experiment.
  22. Journalling can help keep you straight and honest. If you strive for physical changes, take a photo every day.
  23. View input from others as inspiration, not binding instructions.
  24. That goes for this posting too, of course.
  25. Always remain skeptical of all methods, especially if you feel like they are silver bullets and can help all of humanity. Chances are they are not, and they can not. Silver bullets do not exist. Be content if you found something that helps you. It's more than most people ever get.
  26. If you find something that seems to work for you, try it for a week, then two, then commit to a longer experiment.
  27. Always try out new things. Always improve your own method.
  28. Find your own path.


Self-hypnosis, NLP, and other such stuff have helped me a lot.... but I had to get ready first. It's hard to know when it's time to delve into such things. I'd recomment you avoid the rabbit-holes that can come with them - specifically the pickup/PUA/seduction communities, which are rife with misogyny, inceldom and just plain B.S.

 (First posted on reddit.)