Monday, August 28, 2017

Things I do in a tantric session

Here are some things I always do in a tantric session:

* Relax beforehand in some way
* Be aware as much as I can
* Visualize/"Feel-ize" the energy up the spine
* "Breathe through the anus"
* Work without touching the genitals
* Clench the anal sphincter
* Clench the inner thighs
* Try and breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth

Here are some things I sometimes do:

* Meditate before I start
* Sit in the park before I start
* Soak in a warm bathtub
* Shoo away my loving cats
* Put on some background music
* Massage my cock
* Use an anal toy
* Massage deep into the area between the cock and the anus
* Edge for a while
* Lie down for the exercise
* Make the sphincter vibrate/quiver, so as to vibrate the prostate
* Moan, groan, or even sing
* Have one or three dry orgasms

Here are some things I (almost) never do:

* Ejaculate

On top of all that, I sometimes do some practice sitting in a chair (yes, I do some aroused breathing even at the office sometimes...)

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